You got Soul?

Sarah Bolten
3 min readJan 28, 2021

The way we lived before the pandemic was not moral, ethical or universally responsible.

It was not human (did you know ‘hu’ means ‘god?’) it was soulless.

So soulless that we all forgot we actually have a soul.

We have been bodies consuming the Earth like gremlins and thinking in a head full of others’ thoughts, opinions and instructions; we have accepted authority without questioning morality. We have denied our own truths for ‘truths’ forced upon us by others without our own reflection, feeling and critical thinking.

We are now in a global dark night of the soul.

I have experienced a dark night of the soul 5 years ago and it is destructive — it destroys self-made illusions and illusions forced upon us by controlling forces whose agenda is NOT one of peace and happiness. The dark night of the soul destroys all that is toxic, selfish and self- serving. It opens up the gate to our own ‘hu-man’ so that we can ‘real’-ise we are an integral part of ‘hu-manity’ as a whole.

It births the soul to the forefront. Pretty terrifying when the material world has denied us the chance to even realise we have a soul. We have been so busy being busy chasing the ‘dream’ ( sold to us without question) most of us have forgotten to even feel that we have feelings in our bodies. We even busily run from those too.

This isn’t an easy time.

What really helps is seeking redemption, first inside our ‘selves.’

At times I was brought to my knees in realising the selfish ways in which I had lived my life with huge blinkers on. My false self shattered, but what was painful was also liberating. What was destructive of old was also birthing the new….

I discovered that my ‘self’ is not singular. It is connected to all in the Universe — it is the Universe.

When we connect deep inside to ourselves, we really are not alone.

And we really are one.

In these times we are in and what is to come, I think a knowing in your higher self, God, Universe, Source — whatever you want to call it, is the answer, the only answer.

This too shall pass but not before we have gone through it and the only way out of anything, is through.

We can do difficult things but now we are being asked to ‘be’ in all our messiness and find our centre.

Heads together made money, look where that got us? Did all the money make you happy and fulfilled?

We have to confront what is actually in our mind and bodies. Most of what is swirling around inside the mind all day is old, tired and belonging to others. Thoughts we have are 90% of the time not even true or even ours. But without reflection and critical thinking, we just think the same thoughts and create the same suffering.

The body also never forgets. The triggers are unhealed wounds from the past we keep running away from…

History keeps repeating.

The journey inwards impacts what happens ‘out there’ in the world. I don’t know about you but I am none too keen on what’s happening ‘out there’ right now, no wonder when this world has been created by our robotic thoughts, our denial of our feelings and our actions with no reflection, with no soul.

I can not change the world. But I CAN change myself. This gives me hope, strength, purpose and meaning.

Somebody, nobody, anybody, them, we, us, you, me and I are the same.

Start there.

I. The Self. The ‘One’ is you. Change you.



Sarah Bolten

Inner Child Coach & Writer and Speaker of myTruth. Here to ‘be’, to learn, to love, to see the beauty and the ugly coz you can’t have one without the other.